> The parent has a 1.0 with no RELEASE OR SNAPSHOTs and the
> child poms do not specify the version explicitly.

Unless you are actively making a release, your version should almost
always have the -SNAPSHOT qualifier appended to it. So if you are
working on version 1.0, then your pom should show version 1.0-SNAPSHOT
until the brief moment in time when you perform the release -- then it
will be 1.0 -- and then immediately after it should bump to version

> <spring.batch.admin>1.2.1.RELEASE</spring.batch.admin>
> <spring.data.version>1.1.0.BUILD-SNAPSHOT</spring.data.version>

I can't speak for everyone, but I am definitely not a fan of declaring
dependency versions in a tag like this. It just makes things more
complicated. When I open a pom, I want to find the version right there
along with the GroupId and ArtifactId in <dependency> or
<dependencyManagement>. Managing versions with properties is not a
best practice IMO.


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