Yeah it appears our IT group is right...Nexus doesn't have a UI/feature to
do what we want.  What other options are there?

This would seem a common need, major project does a refactor of Maven GA
and want to delete all SNAPSHOTS used by the project to verify the refactor
is 100% complete.  We have had too many cases where the build is still
pointing to an old artifact that isn't part of the build anymore yet the
build is happy because old artifacts are still in Nexus.


On Tue, Jul 21, 2015 at 12:36 PM, Karl Heinz Marbaise <>

> Hi David,
> On 7/21/15 6:03 PM, David Hoffer wrote:
>> We use Nexus as our corporate Maven repository and would like to
>> periodically delete certain SNAPSHOT artifacts.  We need to be able to
>> filter/select by groupId and by delete all where
>> groupId=com.mycomp.mygroupid.* and version=X.SNAPSHOT.
> You can only delete all kind of SNAPSHOT's in Nexus based on a time frame
> for example delete all SNAPSHOT's which are older than 30 days etc..
>> Our use case is that when we refactor part of the build to use new
>> groupIds
>> the old ones are not valid anymore however sometimes there is a lingering
>> reference to the old groupId, if we can delete all the old SNAPSHOTS we
>> could find those errors now instead of when we release.
>> Any ideas on how to do this are much appreciated.
>> -Dave
> Kind regards
> Karl Heinz Marbaise
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