Hello again Gary,

My guesswer is no :-). 

I’ve personally never been in a situation where there isn’t a version specified 
for every dependency, plugin, etc. I’m not sure you are allowed to not specify 
a version completely. Yes, it can be skipped on <dependency>…</dependency>, but 
that is because of <dependencyManagement>…</dependencyManagement> where 
complete GAV (Group, Artifact, Version) is specified for dependencies. This is 
usually put high up in a parent pom. Then lower pom’s can just specify the 
dependency without version. This is to simplify and keep version management in 
one place. So I believe that you must put a version somewhere, and that there 
are no standard default versions.  

If you don’t know what versions are available for some dependency, you can 
always search in maven central: https://search.maven.org/classic/. Or if your 
dependencies are in bintrays jcenter you can search for packages here: 


Från: Mills, Gary (GE Digital) <gary.l.mi...@ge.com>
Svara: Maven Users List <users@maven.apache.org>
Datum: 10 augusti 2018 at 16:22:34
Till: Maven Users List <users@maven.apache.org>
Ämne:  Cannot Deploy From Jenkins to Nexus maven-deploy-plugin:2.7 not found  

Hey Tommy, thanks! Yeah, I get it. I'm really just trying to understand how 
this all works 😊 .  

How does Maven determine the default plugin version to use? Let's say you only 
give Maven the order, "clean deploy", Maven goes out and somehow determines to 
pull down plugin xxx.x. there has to be something that directs it to a specific 
base version set?  

Gary Mills  
Kind Regards,  
Cell 630-607-9639  
Work 920-390-4806  

-----Original Message-----  
From: Tommy Svensson <to...@natusoft.se>  
Sent: Friday, August 10, 2018 2:14 AM  
To: Maven Users List <users@maven.apache.org>  
Subject: EXT: Re: Cannot Deploy From Jenkins to Nexus maven-deploy-plugin:2.7 
not found  

Hello Gary,  

I have seen the word LATEST in capitals used as version number, but never tried 
it myself. It is in general a good idea to know exactly what version you are 
using, and do controlled upgrades to newer versions. Surprises are seldom good 


PÃ¥ 9 augusti 2018 till 21:49:41, Mills, Gary (GE Digital) 
(gary.l.mi...@ge.com(mailto:gary.l.mi...@ge.com)) skrev:  

> this is my environment. java version "1.8.0_181" Java(TM) SE Runtime 
> Environment (build 1.8.0_181-b13) Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 
> 25.181-b13, mixed mode)  
> Apache Maven 3.5.4 Nexus 2.14.8-01 Jenkins 2.136  
> my issue is I cannot perform a mvn clean deploy in Jenkins without it issuing 
> error. the error:  
> The POM for org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-deploy-plugin:jar:2.7 is missing, 
> no dependency information available [ERROR] Plugin 
> org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-deploy-plugin:2.7 or one of its dependencies 
> could not be resolved: Failure to find 
> org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-deploy-plugin:jar:2.7 in 
> was cached in the local 
> repository, resolution will not be reattempted until the update interval of 
> ge-ip-nexus has elapsed or updates are forced  
> In Nexus Maven Central, I look in Nexus repo, and under Browse Index, the 
> maven-deploy-plugin:jar:2.7 exists, however, under browse storage, only 2.8.2 
> exists.  
> I'm not specifying or to my knowledge a specific version and wonder why 
> doesn't it just use the maven-deploy-plugin:jar:2.8.2 ??? instead of the 2.7. 
> and I can't find where the 2.7 is being declared. ??  
> thank you any suggestions on how to resolve or explain what the heck is going 
> on would be much appreciated,  
> it keeps looking for maven-deploy-plugin:2.7 when 2.8.2 is available? How can 
> I make this work? Either use 2.7 or make it use 2.8 ?  
> <settings  
> xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/SETTINGS/1.0.0";  
> xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance";  
> xsi:schemaLocation="http://maven.apache.org/SETTINGS/1.0.0  
> http://maven.apache.org/xsd/settings-1.0.0.xsd";>  
> <!-- The path to the local repository -->  
> <localRepository>/Users/212555427/devel/maven/repositories/ge-ip-jenkins-repository</localRepository>
> <offline>false</offline>  
> <servers>  
> <server>  
> <id>com.ge.ip.snapshot.local</id>  
> <username>xxxxx</username>  
> <password>xxxxxx</password>  
> </server>  
> </servers>  
> <mirrors>  
> <mirror>  
> <id>ge-ip-nexus</id>  
> <name>Nexus Repository Manager</name>  
> <mirrorOf>*,!jbossRepos(x)</mirrorOf>  
> <url>http://137.277.686.182:8082/nexus/content/groups/public</url>  
> </mirror>  
> </mirrors>  
> <profiles>  
> <!-- A definition of a development profile -->  
> <profile>  
> <id>development</id>  
> <repositories>  
> <repository>  
> <snapshots>  
> <enabled>false</enabled>  
> </snapshots>  
> <id>com.ge.ip.release</id>  
> <name>Release Repository</name>  
> <url>http://137.277.686.182:8082/nexus/content/groups/public</url>  
> </repository>  
> <!-- The specified location of where all snapshot artifacts are retrieved 
> from. -->  
> <repository>  
> <snapshots>  
> <enabled>true</enabled>  
> </snapshots>  
> <id>com.ge.ip.snapshot</id>  
> <name>Snapshot Repository</name>  
> <url>http://137.277.686.182:8082/nexus/content/groups/public</url>  
> </repository>  
> </repositories>  
> <pluginRepositories>  
> <!-- The specified location of where all released plugins are retrieved from. 
> -->  
> <pluginRepository>  
> <snapshots>  
> <enabled>false</enabled>  
> </snapshots>  
> <id>com.ge.ip.plugin.release</id>  
> <name>Plugin Release Repository</name>  
> <url>http://137.277.686.182:8082/nexus/content/groups/public</url>  
> </pluginRepository>  
> <!-- The specified location of where all snapshot plugins are retrieved from. 
> -->  
> <pluginRepository>  
> <snapshots>  
> <enabled>true</enabled>  
> </snapshots>  
> <id>com.ge.ip.plugin.snapshot</id>  
> <name>Plugin Snapshot Repository</name>  
> <url>http://137.277.686.182:8082/nexus/content/groups/public</url>  
> </pluginRepository>  
> </pluginRepositories>  
> </profile>  
> </profiles>  
> <!-- Specify the default active profile. -->  
> <activeProfiles>  
> <activeProfile>development</activeProfile>  
> </activeProfiles>  
> </settings>  
> Thank you!  
> Sent from Mail<https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=550986> for Windows 10 

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