Karl Heinz,

my thoughts on your reply:

> Maven 4.0.0 will be there when it's there.

This is a totally valid statement, if this is the policy in the Apache
Maven project. No objections at all.


> We are an open source project. We don't have a release timeline.

That is suboptimal response, to say it politely. OpenJDK and Eclipse IDE
with dozens of simultaneously released components have release cycles
for 6 (OpenJDK) and 3 (Eclipse SimRel) months with defined dates for
certain phases like milestones, release candidates, general availability
dates. I.e., you can say "Maven does not have a release timeline", fine.
But giving the reason that you do not have one because Maven is OSS, is,
with all due respect, just ridiculous.

Alexander Kriegisch

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