> -----Original Message-----
> From: Heck, Joe [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: mercredi 30 août 2006 22:54
> To: Maven Users List
> Subject: RE: Integration Testing
> We have several different mechanisms running - but most of them are
> honestly manual. The automated solution that one of our teams have come
> up and and stuck with is the following:
> 1) set up a multi-module maven2 project, with one of those modules being
> a functional test suite, another the WAR that we're pushing and banging
> on.
> 2) using cargo, we deploy the WAR produced to an instance of Tomcat
> running on an available and preset QA machine.
> 3) We invoke the functional tests (primarily httpunit stuff) locally.
> The "how to" for the separate functional test module setup was on this
> earlier - the big pieces to note being that the functional test module
> is set with POM packaging, and then plugins manually bound to the
> various steps (in this case, the maven-surefire-plugin bound to the
> integration-test phase and the cargo plugin bound to the
> "pre-integration-test" phase)
> We've additionally set it up so that functional tests are only included
> with a specific profile (originally named "functional-tests") so that
> your personal builds will invoke them only when desired.
> Anything much more complex than this, and I think we'd need to reach out
> of maven with a custom AntTask bound in there to do setup/teardown kinds
> of work.

Yes and FWIW note that you can invoke Cargo directly from your functional
tests, in a Junit's setUp()/tearDown() method from a TestSetup class. See
http://cargo.codehaus.org/Functional+testing for an example.


> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf
> Of Ruel Loehr
> Sent: Wednesday, August 30, 2006 1:33 PM
> To: Maven Users List
> Subject: Integration Testing
> I'd like to query the community and see how you guys are handling
> integration testing in real world environments.
> I've looked through the list and the Better builds book, but didn't like
> what I saw......
> Here is the use case:
> Use Case A:
> A user has a project which builds a war.   For integration testing the
> war needs to be deployed in an app server.
> The process will be to startup the app server, deploy the war, run unit
> tests, stop the app server.
> Here is the gotcha.
> App servers can have many configurations.   In this case, we would like
> to test the functionality of this war on three different app server
> configurations. Use case A would need to be executed 3 times
> automatically, each time with a different server configuration.
> Assuming I already know how to modify the appserver configs, any
> suggestions on how the repeated execution of this use could be achived
> in scalable fashion (e.g. if I have 25 server configurations my build
> file won't be a nightmare to maintain).
> In ant, it's pretty simple as I can just string together targets until
> my heart is content.  With maven, I feel I am imprisoned by the
> lifecycle in this case.
> Ruel Loehr
> JBoss, a division of Red Hat
> QA
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