I actually had a related issue - our project is comprised of many jar
and war fragments and, good though the jetty plugin is, it's helpful
when debugging webapps in eclipse when hotswap fails (which is
always), to be able to have it automatically copy changed class files
into the running application. The existing eclipse integrations (last
time I looked) seemed to concentrate on replacing the IDE compile
function with maven which is a total non-starter, because it takes

I did something simple in .net (mostly because when I go near the
maven codebase, the vast array of poorly documented dependences like
plexus scares me and I don't have the time to figure it all out), but
I think a decent editor that didn't force people to hack XML would be
nice, as well as the ability to do things like
- detect possibly unneded dependencies
- "promote" common dependencies to a parent pom
- UI for setting up common plugins (compile, report, assembly)

delivered as an eclipse plugin would be useful.

On 04/02/07, Arnaud Bailly <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Sure, I would be interested in working on such a tool. My particular
need is that I want to make a continuous testing tool indenpendent of
any IDE and based on informations in the POM.

As for the virtual ant system, that could be thought of as a kind of
GUI over a maven shell. One could think adding web-based GUI,
something like a finer grained continuum.

I have a bit of time, so maybe I could start something. Ideas, code,
specs are welcomed...

OQube < software engineering \ génie logiciel >
Arnaud Bailly, Dr.
\web> http://www.oqube.com

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