Ah ok, that's something different. I understand that you don't want to
create extra projects for this jars as they probably never will change.

First I thought you just could place the jars in a directory in your
project and add system dependendcies to them. But then I realized that
'system' is already a scope and thus one can't further limit the scope
to 'test'. Thinking about this a bit I think 'system' shouldn't be a
scope at all, it's more of a dependency type.

The only other solution I can think of is to store the jars in a repository like directory layout (for example under src/test/testjars)
and declare this directory as a repository in your pom:


and then declare the jars as normal test-scoped dependencies.


Guillaume Boucherie schrieb:
Oh I'm sorry I'm not clear.
In my project I have a functionality that search xml files with the same
name in the classpath and merge it before read it.
And to test it I must have jars that just contains xml file, I don't want to
create a maven project just for this type of jar.

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