On 9/27/07, Alan D. Salewski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I'm not suggesting that the maven 2.x 'install' build life cycle phase
> be renamed at this point because maven is well-enough established that
> doing so would be needlessly disruptive. But, thinking back to my
> pre-maven-lobotomy days, it would have been nice if it did not violate
> the principle of least surprise on this point. To the extent possible,
> new approaches and new tools should leverage users' existing experience
> as much as possible.

Some aliases could be useful.  Just have an alias called 'available'
that maven translates to 'install'.

Similarly, a command line option -t which translates to
-Dmaven.test.skip=true :-)

H. Lally Singh
Ph.D. Candidate, Computer Science
Virginia Tech

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