Olaf Meske wrote on Wednesday, October 17, 2007 11:33 AM:

> Hi All,
> I'm a beginner of Maven and I'm doing some research if we could use
> maven for some of our projects.
> One thing that we really need, is to repeat our builds from
> the tagged
> versions from the cvs/svn with the exact same result. But I understand
> that maven will get the newest matching version of any dependency on
> every run. 

No, it will use the versions you have defined (unless you are using SNAPSHOTs, 
but you cannot release anything depending on a SNAPSHOT anyway). However, it 
will try to use newer plugins, therefore you should define a fix version in the 
pluginManagement section.


> 3.) To used fixed versions with the dependencies and no range or
> matching versions. But with this I'll lost some of the main
> features of
> maven, to solve the dependencies between the dependencies.

It is no good idea to use ranges if it means that it includes versions you 
don't know (yet). Use fix versions and let Maven decide. The same Maven version 
will always decide in the same way.

> Are there any other ways to setup maven projects to get repeatable
> builds with dependencies? 

Use a company repository for the downloaded artifacts and save that in a backup.

- Jörg

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