Maven 2.0.4
I am trying to use the "mvn site" target for generating the site. Before
configuring pmd, cobertura etc, I want a basic report of my project. I have
a root project called the "server" which has two modules "domain" and
"webapp". These modules are configured in the server's pom.xml and the
module level pom's have their "parent" configured. (The version being
0.1-SNAPSHOT for all modules and project)

When I run the mvn site, it first generates a site for the root server and
then generates site for the modules. However, When I open the index.html in
the server's target/site directory, I see that it has links to the modules
but when I click on them it points to maven.apache.org instead of the
relative path to the module's site directory. There was no error while
generating this site, and I can see the site folder inside each and every
module. (Only the links between the parent project's site/index.html to the
module level index.html is missing)

Can someone please let me know about what I can do about this?

PS: Please advice if there is a specific plugin mailing list for maven site
in case this is not the right forum

Kannan Ekanath

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