Maven does make the development process simpler in many ways, but it's a mistake to think that every possible activity in that process will be simpler. Obviously, the power Maven brings in terms of dependency handling, standardized lifecycles and lifecycle vocabulary, etc. will be completely irrelevant for this use case.


Trevor Harmon wrote:
Hi all,

I'm an experienced Ant user but new to Maven, and I'm a little shocked at how verbose Maven is, even compared to Ant, which is notorious for its verbosity. For example, if I want to launch a Java application in Ant, I do this:

<target name="run">
    <java classname="foo.Bar" classpath="${my.classpath}">
        <sysproperty key="mykey" value="myvalue"/>
        <arg value="-h"/>

These six lines of Ant explode into 27 lines when ported to Maven:


Plus, when I want to run the Ant task, I only have to type this:

# ant run

But in Maven I have to type all this:

# mvn org.codehaus.mojo:exec-maven-plugin:java

Everything about Maven seems more complex, more verbose, and more difficult, at least for this example. Am I missing something? I thought Maven was supposed to make things simpler...


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John Casey
Developer, PMC Member - Apache Maven (

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