BTW, unless I'm misataken, the following invocation should also work:

mvn exec:java


Trevor Harmon wrote:
Hi all,

I'm an experienced Ant user but new to Maven, and I'm a little shocked at how verbose Maven is, even compared to Ant, which is notorious for its verbosity. For example, if I want to launch a Java application in Ant, I do this:

<target name="run">
    <java classname="foo.Bar" classpath="${my.classpath}">
        <sysproperty key="mykey" value="myvalue"/>
        <arg value="-h"/>

These six lines of Ant explode into 27 lines when ported to Maven:


Plus, when I want to run the Ant task, I only have to type this:

# ant run

But in Maven I have to type all this:

# mvn org.codehaus.mojo:exec-maven-plugin:java

Everything about Maven seems more complex, more verbose, and more difficult, at least for this example. Am I missing something? I thought Maven was supposed to make things simpler...


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John Casey
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