
I've finally gotten through the assembly plugin release and the mess
that is POM transformation, and I think we're ready to test another
Maven 2.2.0 release candidate.

You can grab this RC here:


The big change here is that POM tranformations have been completely
backed out of Maven, pending further design discussion to address the
relevant use cases more thoroughly. Along with this, I've added two new
pseudo-features for MNG-3203 and MNG-3401. These are documented in:


Additionally, I've documented the use of Animal Sniffer to ensure
1.4-compatible builds under:


...this is a stop-gap solution until the compiler plugin supports

I haven't published the site with these new documents yet, just in case
there are some horrible and unforseen problems with what I've done. :-)

Please give this release candidate a try, and let me know if you run
into any problems.

I'll probably let this sit for a couple of days, and if there aren't any
problems I'll call a vote. Before this is a possibility, though, I'm
going to need to incorporate the new policies on source-release
distributions, so I'm just letting you know now that this isn't done yet.

Thanks, and happy building!


John Casey
Developer and PMC Member, Apache Maven (http://maven.apache.org)
Member, Apache Software Foundation

"What we have to learn to do, we learn by doing."

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