After severals tests it seems that the issue is solved.

Mbuni keep the ppp connection open and send all its stored MMS before to
close the connection.

Test I have sent 3 MMS:

2010-08-10 13:16:45 [2698] [3] DEBUG: HTTP: Creating HTTPClient for
2010-08-10 13:16:45 [2698] [3] DEBUG: HTTP: Created HTTPClient area
2010-08-10 13:16:45 [2698] [9] DEBUG: WSP: Mapping `text/plain', WSP 1.2 to
2010-08-10 13:16:45 [2698] [9] INFO: mmsbox.c:1366 <make_and_queue_msg>
[mmsbox] [n/a] MMSBox: Queued message from service [sendmms-user], [transid
[Mbuni-msg.6605.x1.98.93]: qf6605.7.x698.8
2010-08-10 13:16:45 [2698] [9] DEBUG: HTTP: Destroying HTTPClient area
2010-08-10 13:16:45 [2698] [9] DEBUG: HTTP: Destroying HTTPClient for
2010-08-10 13:16:45 [2698] [9] INFO: mmsbox.c:1613 <dispatch_sendmms_recv>
[mmsbox] [n/a] MMSBox.mmssend: u=tester, Queued [Accepted:
2010-08-10 13:16:46 [2698] [8] DEBUG: *Queued to thread 1 for
/var/spool/mbuni/mmsbox_outgoing/qf6605.7.x698.8, sendt=1281406605,
2010-08-10 13:16:47 [2698] [3] DEBUG: HTTP: Creating HTTPClient for
2010-08-10 13:16:47 [2698] [3] DEBUG: HTTP: Created HTTPClient area
2010-08-10 13:16:47 [2698] [11] DEBUG: WSP: Mapping `text/plain', WSP 1.2 to
2010-08-10 13:16:47 [2698] [11] INFO: mmsbox.c:1366 <make_and_queue_msg>
[mmsbox] [n/a] MMSBox: Queued message from service [sendmms-user], [transid
[Mbuni-msg.6607.x2.98.91]: i-qf6607.8.x698.92
2010-08-10 13:16:47 [2698] [11] DEBUG: HTTP: Destroying HTTPClient area
2010-08-10 13:16:47 [2698] [11] DEBUG: HTTP: Destroying HTTPClient for
2010-08-10 13:16:47 [2698] [11] INFO: mmsbox.c:1613 <dispatch_sendmms_recv>
[mmsbox] [n/a] MMSBox.mmssend: u=tester, Queued [Accepted:
2010-08-10 13:16:48 [2698] [3] DEBUG: HTTP: Creating HTTPClient for
2010-08-10 13:16:48 [2698] [3] DEBUG: HTTP: Created HTTPClient area
2010-08-10 13:16:48 [2698] [14] DEBUG: WSP: Mapping `text/plain', WSP 1.2 to
2010-08-10 13:16:48 [2698] [14] INFO: mmsbox.c:1366 <make_and_queue_msg>
[mmsbox] [n/a] MMSBox: Queued message from service [sendmms-user], [transid
[Mbuni-msg.6608.x3.98.84]: 7-du-qf6608.9.x698.77
2010-08-10 13:16:48 [2698] [14] DEBUG: HTTP: Destroying HTTPClient area
2010-08-10 13:16:48 [2698] [14] DEBUG: HTTP: Destroying HTTPClient for
2010-08-10 13:16:48 [2698] [14] INFO: mmsbox.c:1613 <dispatch_sendmms_recv>
[mmsbox] [n/a] MMSBox.mmssend: u=tester, Queued [Accepted:
2010-08-10 13:16:51 [2698] [8] DEBUG: *Queued to thread 2 for
/var/spool/mbuni/mmsbox_outgoing/i/qf6607.8.x698.92, sendt=1281406607,
2010-08-10 13:16:51 [2698] [8] DEBUG: *Queued to thread 3 for
/var/spool/mbuni/mmsbox_outgoing/7/du/qf6608.9.x698.77, sendt=1281406608,

2010-08-10 13:16:51 [2698] [5] INFO: mmsbox_mm1.c:681 <start_gprs>
[mmsbox-mm1] [n/a] waiting for connection: 0, pid=2914 cpid=0, ifexited=1,
2010-08-10 13:16:56 [2698] [5] INFO: mmsbox_mm1.c:681 <start_gprs>
[mmsbox-mm1] [n/a] waiting for connection: 1, pid=2914 cpid=0, ifexited=1,
2010-08-10 13:17:01 [2698] [5] INFO: mmsbox_mm1.c:681 <start_gprs>
[mmsbox-mm1] [n/a] waiting for connection: 2, pid=2914 cpid=0, ifexited=1,
2010-08-10 13:17:06 [2698] [5] INFO: mmsbox_mm1.c:681 <start_gprs>
[mmsbox-mm1] [n/a] waiting for connection: 3, pid=2914 cpid=0, ifexited=1,

ppp connection established: /var/log/message
Aug 10 13:17:07 navette pppd[2914]: Serial connection established.
Aug 10 13:17:07 navette pppd[2914]: Using interface ppp0
Aug 10 13:17:07 navette pppd[2914]: Connect: ppp0 <--> /dev/ttyACM1
Aug 10 13:17:07 navette pppd[2914]: PAP authentication succeeded
Aug 10 13:17:08 navette pppd[2914]: local  IP address
Aug 10 13:17:08 navette pppd[2914]: remote IP address

2010-08-10 13:17:11 [2698] [5] INFO: mmsbox_mm1.c:379 <handle_mm1>
[mmsbox-mm1] [n/a] start_gprs returned PID: 2914
2010-08-10 13:17:11 [2698] [5] DEBUG: WSP: Mapping `text/plain', WSP 1.2 to
2010-08-10 13:17:21 [2698] [5] INFO: mmsbox_mm1.c:608 <write_octstr_data>
[mmsbox-mm1] [n/a] write_data called with nmemn=61, size=1
2010-08-10 13:17:21 [2698] [5] DEBUG: Octet string at 0x9962b00:
2010-08-10 13:17:21 [2698] [5] DEBUG:  Octet string dump ends.
2010-08-10 13:17:21 [2698] [5] DEBUG: End of dump.
2010-08-10 13:17:21 [2698] [5] DEBUG: Dumping MMS message body (not
multipart) [0 parts] -->
2010-08-10 13:17:21 [2698] [19] INFO: mmsbox_mm1.c:345 <send_msg>
[mmsbox-mm1] [n/a] sent message, type=m-send-req, result=(none)

2010-08-10 13:17:21 [2698] [19] INFO: bearerbox.c:1519 <sendMsg> [MM7] [n/a]
*Sent MMSBox Outgoing Queue MMS Send: From 100, to
+XXXXXXXXX/TYPE=PLMN, *msgsize=121:
2010-08-10 13:17:21 [2698] [0] DEBUG: Queued to thread 1 for
/var/spool/mbuni/mmsbox_incoming/e/qf6641.10.x698.43, sendt=0,
2010-08-10 13:17:21 [2698] [13] INFO: mmsbox.c:646 <mmsbox_service_dispatch>
[MM7] [modem] MMSBox: Skipped delivery-report URL call for
[D85AC0476B9247CB4C58BAA8B4B6386F]. Empty URL, from [100/TYPE=PLMN]
2010-08-10 13:17:23 [2698] [5] DEBUG: WSP: Mapping `text/plain', WSP 1.2 to

2010-08-10 13:17:31 [2698] [5] INFO: mmsbox_mm1.c:608 <write_octstr_data>
[mmsbox-mm1] [n/a] write_data called with nmemn=61, size=1
2010-08-10 13:17:31 [2698] [5] DEBUG: Octet string at 0x9962b40:
2010-08-10 13:17:31 [2698] [5] DEBUG:  Octet string dump ends.
2010-08-10 13:17:31 [2698] [5] DEBUG: End of dump.
2010-08-10 13:17:31 [2698] [5] DEBUG: Dumping MMS message body (not
multipart) [0 parts] -->
2010-08-10 13:17:31 [2698] [21] INFO: mmsbox_mm1.c:345 <send_msg>
[mmsbox-mm1] [n/a] sent message, type=m-send-req, result=(none)
2010-08-10 13:17:31 [2698] [21] INFO: bearerbox.c:1519 <sendMsg> [MM7] [n/a]
* Sent MMSBox Outgoing Queue MMS Send: From 100, to **+XXXXXXXXX**/TYPE=PLMN,
*msgsize=124: msgid=[4FAD936202AC0AF1B8FFA5C7784283A8]
2010-08-10 13:17:33 [2698] [5] DEBUG: WSP: Mapping `text/plain', WSP 1.2 to
2010-08-10 13:17:36 [2698] [0] DEBUG: Queued to thread 2 for
/var/spool/mbuni/mmsbox_incoming/qf6651.11.x698.33, sendt=0, tnow=1281406656
2010-08-10 13:17:36 [2698] [15] INFO: mmsbox.c:646 <mmsbox_service_dispatch>
[MM7] [modem] MMSBox: Skipped delivery-report URL call for
[4FAD936202AC0AF1B8FFA5C7784283A8]. Empty URL, from [100/TYPE=PLMN]

2010-08-10 13:17:42 [2698] [5] INFO: mmsbox_mm1.c:608 <write_octstr_data>
[mmsbox-mm1] [n/a] write_data called with nmemn=61, size=1
2010-08-10 13:17:42 [2698] [5] DEBUG: Octet string at 0x9954148:
2010-08-10 13:17:42 [2698] [5] DEBUG:  Octet string dump ends.
2010-08-10 13:17:42 [2698] [5] DEBUG: End of dump.
2010-08-10 13:17:42 [2698] [5] DEBUG: Dumping MMS message body (not
multipart) [0 parts] -->
2010-08-10 13:17:42 [2698] [22] INFO: mmsbox_mm1.c:345 <send_msg>
[mmsbox-mm1] [n/a] sent message, type=m-send-req, result=(none)

*2010-08-10 13:17:42* [2698] [22] INFO: bearerbox.c:1519 <sendMsg> [MM7]
[n/a] *Sent MMSBox Outgoing Queue MMS Send: From 100, to
*msgsize=127: msgid=[B9A244FBB6ED220DC1578EE675FFC407]

2010-08-10 13:17:44 [2698] [5] INFO: mmsbox_mm1.c:543 <handle_mm1>
[mmsbox-mm1] [n/a] GPRS turned off returned: 0

2010-08-10 13:17:46 [2698] [0] DEBUG: Queued to thread 3 for
/var/spool/mbuni/mmsbox_incoming/l/yi/qf6662.12.x698.25, sendt=0,
2010-08-10 13:17:46 [2698] [18] INFO: mmsbox.c:646 <mmsbox_service_dispatch>
[MM7] [modem] MMSBox: Skipped delivery-report URL call for
[B9A244FBB6ED220DC1578EE675FFC407]. Empty URL, from [100/TYPE=PLMN]
2010-08-10 13:17:48 [2698] [3] DEBUG: HTTP: Creating HTTPClient for
2010-08-10 13:17:48 [2698] [3] DEBUG: HTTP: Created HTTPClient area
2010-08-10 13:17:48 [2698] [6] DEBUG: HTTP: Resetting HTTPClient for

mmsbox access.log:
2010-08-10 13:17:21 Received DLR MMS [INT:MMSBox] [ACT:Forwarded]
[MMSC:modem] [from:100] [to:+687824921]
[msgid:D85AC0476B9247CB4C58BAA8B4B6386F] [size=-1] [UA:] [MMBox:]
2010-08-10 13:17:31 Received DLR MMS [INT:MMSBox] [ACT:Forwarded]
[MMSC:modem] [from:100] [to:+687824921]
[msgid:4FAD936202AC0AF1B8FFA5C7784283A8] [size=-1] [UA:] [MMBox:]
*2010-08-10 13:17:42* Received DLR MMS [INT:MMSBox] [ACT:Forwarded]
[MMSC:modem] [from:100] [to:+687824921]
[msgid:B9A244FBB6ED220DC1578EE675FFC407] [size=-1] [UA:] [MMBox:]

Then ppp connection has been shutdown after the last message has been
delivered to MMS-C at *2010-08-10 13:17:42
*Aug 10 13:17:44* navette pppd[2914]: Terminating on signal 15
Aug 10 13:17:44 navette pppd[2914]: Connect time 0.6 minutes.
Aug 10 13:17:44 navette pppd[2914]: Sent 1914 bytes, received 1374 bytes.
Aug 10 13:17:44 navette pppd[2914]: Connection terminated.
Aug 10 13:17:45 navette pppd[2914]: Exit.




2010/8/9 Paul Bagyenda <>

> Patch is on cvs.
> On Aug 09, 2010, at 11:29, Piotr Isajew wrote:
> > On Mon, Aug 09, 2010 at 06:52:01PM +1100, Emmanuel CHANSON wrote:
> >> I already reported this behavior but I think it is better to open a new
> >> thread for this.
> >>
> >> I notice that in my config, Mbuni connect and disconnect from ppp GPRS
> >> connection for each MMS stored in queue.
> >> Is it a normal behavior ?
> >>
> >> Piotr told me that in its config:
> >> *With settings similar to yours I get the behaviour when mbuni sends
> >> everything that is queued and then disconnects. Maybe if you patch
> >> mmsbox_mm1.c to add a 2 second sleep at end of inner loop in handle_mm1
> >> function that will solve your problem.*
> >>
> >> So should Mbuni connect and disconnect for each MMS ? Or can we set an
> >> options to keep the ppp connection open until all MMS stored are sent ?
> >>
> >> Others options:
> >> - patch Mbuni to add a 2 second sleep ? If Piotr you can show me which
> >> function to add in order to have the sleep ? Or anybody else :)
> > Try patch I sent to devel list last week:
> >
> >
> > If you try it please let me know if it solves your problem.
> >
> >> - manage pppd and ignore SIGTERM sent by Mbuni ? How to do this ?
> >> - ...
> >>
> >> Note: I am not a C expert :)
> >>
> >> --
> >> Regards,
> >>
> >> Emmanuel
> >
> >> _______________________________________________
> >> Users mailing list
> >>
> >>
> >
> > _______________________________________________
> > Users mailing list
> >
> >
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CHANSON Emmanuel
Mobile Nouvelle-Calédonie: +687.77.35.02
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