That's nice to know. Thank you, Laszlo.
- Nick

      From: Laszlo Hornyak <>
 To:; Nick Lee <> 
 Sent: Friday, June 2, 2017 4:39 AM
 Subject: Re: SSHD supports synchronous sockets?
Hi Nick,

You can have an InputStream/OutputStream from SftpChannel, also ScpClient
can take InputStreams, and it works.

Best regards,

On Thu, Jun 1, 2017 at 7:15 PM, Nick Lee <> wrote:

> Hello,
> I am investigating to embed Apache SSHD in my own project. My main concern
> is,
> can Apache SSHD work on traditional synchronous socket/InputStream/
> OutputStream?
> My situation is a little unusual. I already have a secure link between two
> machines (say, via Bluetooth), so a byte stream can be established. What I
> need
> SSHD for is the functionalities of shell access, scp, and sftp. I am
> planning
> to lay those protocols on top of the (custom) byte stream. I will need a
> way
> to feed the InputStream/OutputStream to whatever SSHD components that
> implement
> those higher-level protocols. Thus my question.
> The Github page says this regarding MINA core: "Optional dependency to
> enable
> choosing between NIO asynchronous sockets ... and "legacy" sockets". That
> seems
> to suggest synchronous sockets. But the source code of
> DefaultIoServiceFactoryFactory and BuiltinIoServiceFactoryFactories sowed
> doubt
> in my mind.
> I am completely new to SSHD. Can anyone put some certainty in my mind? =)
> Thanks in advance,
> Nick




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