
The standard approach is the best.
Is most easy to set and, is working always, and will not need other library.


Darren Hartford wrote:

>The approached I've been using is the normal webapp
>JAAS/<security-constraint> approach.
>As far as integrating this within the JSF framework, I use the following
>snippets in my sessionbean:
>    /**
>     * Getter for property username.
>     * @return Value of property username. A null is no user
>     */
>    public String getUsername() {
>        return getExternalContext().getUserPrincipal().getName();
>    }
>    public boolean verifyRole(String role){
>        return getExternalContext().isUserInRole(role);
>    }
>Although I'm sure there are more elegant approaches, this has worked for
>me and keeps it relatively simple and as-close to 'standard
>expectations' for most J2EE-style webapps.
>I did try the filter approach, unfortunately I've had issues with that
>approach with JSF, some of which were rather obscure so I went with the
>above approach to try to keep it simple and allow for per-page
>authorization control (and per-object authorization control, such as
>buttons enable/disable by role).
>Hope that helps, would be nice to have a wiki/howto on some of these
>security integrations with JSF/myfaces (including Acegi, yes, but also
>others like with Tomcat/Jboss security realms and how to handle
>authorization seperately from authentication, etc.).  

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