On 3/18/06, _dani <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The selectOneListbox and the inputText component are in the same form on the
> same jsp.
> So i dont now how to control which component is first on my page.

The tags are processed in order of appearance, so if the listbox is
first, it'll be processed (at each phase) first.

> So the problem is located in step 3, validating the inputText component.
> Step 1 is ok, I checked what happens in the userConverter and that looks
> good. There is also no problem during the validation of the
> selectOneListbox. But now during the validation of the inputText component
> in steo 3 selectedUserBean.selectedUser is still null. I think because the
> model wasn't updated yet, the method processUpdates was not called so far.

Yes, that was what I was thinking at first, too, but since you're
still in processValidations, the inputText isn't referencing
selectedUserBean.selectedUser yet.   It's still working with the
component value directly.

> So if I'm right, that tells me that I can't select an edit a user on the
> same page. I need to separate the selection of an user in a first page and
> the modification of the user fields in a second page. But I don't like this
> idea.

The only reason I could see this happening is if the inputText appears
before the selectOneListbox on the page.

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