On 4/27/06, Ajit.T <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> This is stack Trace , which points towards the Tomahawk1.1.1 bug in
> HtmlDataScroller i guess
> ApplicationDispatcher[/Project1] Servlet.service() for servlet jsp threw
> exception
> java.lang.ArithmeticException: / by zero
>         at
> org.apache.myfaces.custom.datascroller.HtmlDataScroller.getPageIndex(HtmlDataScroller.java:222)
> Moreover FYI, my datatable has the rows attirbute too, reading from a model.
> rows="#{nsearchBean.dataModel.rows}"

It's good that you have it defined.  But is it evaluating to zero? :)
The error is that the value of "rows" is zero.  Normally that's
because you didn't define rows, but it could also mean it really is
zero :)

> # If I update my core packages(myfaces) to 1.1.2 Should I use Tomhawk 1.1.2
> or 1.1.3 ?

All versions after the release of MyFaces Core 1.1.2 are
interchangable.  You can use whichever ones you like.   I'd suggest
either using a release, or always using the latest available snapshot
(since more bugs will be fixed).

> # Should the tomahawk-1.1.2/3-SNAPSHOT.jar be renamed to tomahwak.jar in
> WEB-INF/lib?

Doesn't matter.  It can be named however you like.

Note that upgrading won't be of much help if you're still setting rows to zero.

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