That error occurs if there is no submitted value (I know - obvious
statement). Several things can cause it though. Here are the ones that
are most common IMO (P -> problem, S->Work-around/Solution)

1) (P) A4J and the ajaxSingle attribute set to true. (S) Use
a4j:region around any component with ajaxSingle set to true to make
sure only that component is decoded and updated

2) (P) Element is removed from the client DOM or is disabled *and* the
JSF component is not disabled. (S) The client side enabled/rendered
should map to the server-side enabled/rendered. Therefore, if you are
disabling/removing components on the client, you need to make sure you
change the value on the server *before* the apply request values phase
(I think that is the correct phase of the error).

3) (P) Component is not inside of the form that was submitted. (S1) Do
not use multiple forms if doing so, instead use the subForm component
in the sandbox with one form or use one or multiple forms with
a4j:region if using A4J. (S2) make sure all components that implement
EditableValueHolder are placed inside of a UIForm component.

4) (P) The EL expression tied to the rendered or disabled property of
the component is not view specific and has been changed by another
view or is changed before the apply request values phase. (S) Make
sure the rendered and/or disabled properties of components do not
change after rendering and before the apply request values.


On 6/5/07, Shane Petroff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Mike Kienenberger wrote:
> I've also had it happen if the page changes and the facelets component
> tree (or jsp page) is still cached somewhere.
I'm almost completely certain it is not a caching issue (although it
would be good to know if one could configure Tomcat not to cache
anything, ever...) I've hand nuked caches several times and tried
executing on a different machine (Tomcat running on the localhost in
both cases).

>   Same idea -- the
> expected submitted page elements do not match the actual submitted
> page elements.
> On 6/5/07, Shane Petroff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> I am having some strange navigation problems (once again...) and the
>> only clue I have is the warning below.
>> HtmlRendererUtils - There should always be a submitted value for an
>> input if it is rendered, its form is submitted, and it is not disabled
>> or read-only.
>> In Googling the error message, it seems that the problem should be
>> related to using Javascript to disable a control which my-faces expects
>> to get a value from. The warning goes on to name the component in
>> question, but there isn't any Javascript which touches these text areas,
>> in fact there isn't any Javascript which disables anything. The
>> components which are (in theory) causing the warning are certainly not
>> disabled visually and for the most part they all contain text. They also
>> happen to be created in Java code, so there is no jsp to post here.
>> Can anyone give me a more detailed interpretation of what the warning
>> means and when it arises?
>> --
>> Shane


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