

I am using the ELHelper class in order to achieve information about the
value binding of UIComponents (the binded attribute and the corresponding
backing bean). This information can be received by the method
„ELHelper.getPropertyDetailsOfValueBinding(UIComponent)“, which returns a
PropertyDetails-object that contains the data I need. 



Here is the code:

ELHelper helper = ExtValUtils.getELHelper();

PropertyDetails details = helper.getPropertyDetailsOfValueBinding(comp); //
The comp-Object is an instance of UIInput.



This solution works very well, however, if the comp-object is part of a
custom Composite Component, the details-object is always null. I have
started to debug the ELHelper but until now I have no clue how it works in
detail. I suppose that the problem is caused by the “cc.attrs” expression in
the value-binding of the composite components, e.g.,
#{cc.attrs.person.name}, that probably can not be resolved.

I also tried to use the ValueExpression directly but this did not work as


Does anyone understand that problem or even have a solution?


Thanks in advance for any help






JSF: mojarra 2.0.2 

ExtVal: 2.0.4 Snapshot

Server: Apache Tomcat 6.0.26


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