John Boyle wrote:

> ... What I CANNOT understand is WHY this constant and continual
> upgrade, upgrade, when all that is needed is simple changes to improve
> what is NOW a BASICALLY sound program! 

> So, I went to WordPerfect, but ...

WordPerfect also lost to bundling.  You could buy WP for $199 and
Quattro for an additional $199 or MS Word plus Excel for the same price.

> .... Marketing is the ONLY thing that MSFT does well,

Bzzt.  Thanks for playing.  Marketing and lobbying are outsourced.

> ... that and thievery of other people's ideas!Oh, that's right, not
> thievery, muscle them into submission is more like it!

That's been documented again and again.  The courts, the police and even
the military have failed to effect action.

> There was a company or group working on another clone or modification of
> Windows, but so far they are not a viable alternative to WINDOWS! 

Windows was a copy of GEM, Desqview and Macintosh.  NeXT was several
decades ahead.

> ... abandining of Both OS/2

MS apparently owns part of OS / 2, having co-developed it, so unless
their part of the code is removed and re-written , OS/2 is dependent on
its main competitor.  MS was also contracted to make applications for OS
/ 2 and pulled out to work on NT, but apparently notified IBM only just
before ship date...

> The ONLY real alternative to WINDOWS is Linux ...

Or OS X or Solaris or FreeBSD, etc.  The OEMs, if left alone could
choose what they want.  If anyone wants to counter about how hard the
non-linux or non-OS X alternatives are, they are cordially invited to
STFU.  OEMs set up a disk image and then clone it.  Installation is
never an issue for the end user.

> will never overcome MSFT with all the different "distro's" cutting each
> other's throats and then cutting their own, by constant upgrade, upgrade
> and then more upgrade!

The only distro throat cutting is by Novell, of its own throat.

Any distro can be made to look like any other.  Pre-installation on
off-the-shelf models is what's lacking -- still.

John, you've had a long rant.  Now what specifically in the current OOo
UI or application needs fixing according to you?


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