John Boyle wrote:
> ... Specifically, I would like to see mail merge
> improved, although it is not as bad as it was, it could use some fine
> tuning! 

Where are the lumps currently?  Mailmerge(*) is one of the most
important features for secretaries and office managers.  (Document
templates being the other)

> ... Since you asked what I would like to see, I will get back to you
> with things I will NOW take note of, that I had let slide because I was
> not sure and still am not! 

As long as they get posted somewhere.  When the pro-MS dogma dies back
then these data can be useful.

> ... As far as
> the UI is concerned, I cannot see how there can be any improvement, but,
> again, I am NOT a programmer, only a happy user, who is tired of
> "CHANGE" for change sake!!!!

It appears in this case to be a proposal for change for detriment's
sake.  "The ribbon" is a failure and hiding a "let's copy the ribbon"
proposal under quibbles about semantics is only showing how engrained in
the dogma some people have decided to be.  Look at the evaluation:

There is room for improvement, but there is not even the remotest
indication of dissatisfaction, let alone a mandate for utter bullshit
like ZOMG-lets-do-a-ribbon!

Then here is some further discussion:

Searching, I just now noticed this blog with further discussion:

It's stupid not to learn from the mistakes of others.


(*)     Mailmerge has been broken in MSO since at least 2002.  As of 2004 it
was still in the "won't fix" category.

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