At 10:28 11/03/2010 +0800, WANG, Xiaoyun wrote:
I have a Draw file with several pages of landscape orientation. Now I want to insert a page of portrait orientation, but so far I'm not able to do so. If I insert a blank page and change the orientation to portrait, then all other pages will be changed to portrait as well. I was trying to create a new style and format for the page but I can not find page orientation options in the configuration panel of Styles and Formatting. Is this kind of action supported in Draw, or do I miss something?

Environment: OpenOffice 3.2, Windows XP.

Do you actually need to change the page orientation? Since the elements you can use in Draw can generally themselves be rotated, you may be able to create the page you need with its contents rotated within the existing landscape orientation. Once you have printed the document, you need only rotate one sheet of paper!

I trust this helps.

Brian Barker

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