At 11:44 04/01/2011 +0000, Harold Fuchs wrote:
On 4 January 2011 08:32, PJH <> wrote:
Is there a trick to copying a whole sheet?

Click in the white box to the left of the column letters (headings) and above the row numbers; edit>copy; move to new sheet; edit>paste

This is - of course - a good answer to the question as posed, but it may be worth pointing out that it doesn't help with the original problem. If you select and copy an entire sheet, you are carrying to the clipboard the maximum number of rows and columns permitted in a sheet. The only place you can paste this in another sheet is in cell A1; anywhere else, and the pasted material runs off into more rows or columns (or both) than the program permits. So you cannot use this technique to assemble material into a single sheet - the original requirement.

At 07:35 04/01/2011 -0500, Gene Young wrote:
Select cell A1, Ctrl+Shift+End will select your data cells. [...]

This evidently selects rows and columns only down to the furthest occupied cell. Copying this carries less than a complete sheet to the clipboard; in general, this can then be pasted somewhere different into another sheet to assemble material.

Brian Barker

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