On 26/09/11 06:36, Howard Barr wrote:

I love my LibreOffice.

I made a template our group can use to print business cards with their
name and address. We are a volunteer group spread out all over the
country and it would be nice if they could login to our home page,
access the template, use the screen to type in their details and print
the sheet of business cards.

I have no idea how to go about this but I guess a database would be

Can anyone help by pointing me in the right direction where I can learn
to help myself?

Off the top of my head..... (and remembering this is an OOo list, not LO :-) .....

How about creating your template using appropriate fields (Insert | Fields | Other then pick the 'Document' tab. You should find entries for name, initials, address, etc, which your users should have set up before using the program (Tools | Options, then find the Userdata tab under Openoffice.org if not -- see, I said this was an OOo list :) ) Make sure to save it as a template type (.ott).

It might all 'just happen' then. Don't forget to Synchronise Labels though.

Many thanks


Mike Scott
Harlow, Essex, England
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