Jonathon Blake wrote:
Robin wrote:

I seriously doubt that they removed that from OOo 1.x and OOo
1.1.x. [This system has 128 MB ram, which is about 896 MB less ram
than OOo 2.x requires.]

<CTRL><F12>  For writer, it is the third selection at the _bottom_.
 Other options (for charcter styles) are: * Hierarchical * All *
Applied * Custom

<CTRL><F12> brings up "Insert Table". Different options in different locations. As I said before, I will look. OOo 2.0 had many changes that confused me at first.

The other style categories have a similr set of options.

Again, where?  I see the styles box but there are different tabs
(icons) that I have to click to get a full picture.

The top row of icons is for the style types: * Paragraph styles *
Character styles * Frame styles * Page styles * Numbering styles

You don't understand what I am trying to say. I have to click on something to know this instead of being able to read through a document and know that there was a style/formatting change that occurred. Maybe it was something that was left over from a revision. Maybe it was something that was pasted it from document No. 3 that needed to be added or inserted.

As I have found out, styles are useless if someone overrides the style with direct formatting. It is this direct formatting that is causing the headaches.

The bottom drop down menu shows the various selections that can be

But it only indicates the styles used which is a start. It does not show me in the document where the styles are used or changed. Read one of my other posts from this morning that is using a real world example that I have open on my desktop.

There really is _no_ excuse for not knowing all of the
attributes of all the styles that one uses.

What about imported documents?  Am I supposed to know all the
styles that are used by all the people that may make a document
that I have to work with or take a piece of or add to?

If they are using styles, then yes.

Many don't use styles, some do and others are direct formatted. Some have both styles and direct formatting.

Is it content, or markup? The former must be retained, the
latter can be, and usually should be, discarded.

That is the question.  It is hard to decide and must be made on
each occasion that works for the project.

Do you seriously not know the difference between content, and

No, the issue is where is the markup done in many cases. In some cases, the markup is part of the content and has to be recreated with a custom style or direct formatting.

But that is only 4 pedals and will still be based on a car.  Same

But do you know what that forth pedal does?

If not, then you shouldn't be driving the car.  Likewise, if you
don know what a style does, you shouldn't be using it.

And this is what most WP users say when they try OOo or MS Office for that matter. "I don't want to use this without RC." They love their tool and it is a make or break situation. OOo is the 4 pedal car to them. Styles is the 4th pedal to them (and partly me).

A style can change so much that it would be impossible to know
every one.

The function of a style should never change.  The specfic
attributes of a style may change but that is irrelevent to the
style as a whole.

"Should never"

work with documents from others that I cannot restyle as I see
fit all the time.

If you can't restyle them, then there is no reason for you to have
a "Reveal Codes' function in OOo, or WP.

But there is when I have to add or make changes. This is the issue. I get a document that needs to be modified in a way that doesn't change the general format of the document. Sometimes it is a paragraph, other times it is multiple pages or tables within the document.

You make my point as to know how the formatting is changed in a
simple way. Thank you.  I agree and this is where RC is so great.

a) Formating does not equate to styles; b) Reveal Codes won't help
you in the same situation, using WP. c) The idea behind removing
all formatting, is so that styles can be imposed on the content.

This is almost what I would like.  I never knew about the
"Applied Styles" selection.

I cannot remember all of the choices. I have never had a chance to sit down and learn all of the features. It took me about 20 minutes to learn how to use RC quite well. Using examples, I couldn't create the custom header style that I want. One of the people that I work with has spent a few months learning about styles in OOo as they are more powerful than in MS Word.

Did you read _any_ of the documentation on styles?

Yes I have a copy at my desk, both at home and at work. I find that in most of what I do, direct formatting is quicker. Or I will use on documents that I create from scratch. It is time.

Now if I could dock the list at the bottom of the screen

You can dock it on any screen edge.

But not the bottom or top. I have just tried again and again. I can only doc on the left or right side. Maybe this is different on your version of OOo. If I try dragging it, I only get indication on the two side edges.


jonathon -- Ethical conduct is a vice. Corrupt conduct is a virtue.

Motto of Nacarima.

I cannot convince you about Reveal Codes and you cannot convince me on Styles are better. I find both have their own benefits and headaches. I can come up with many examples where styles don't work for me or other people I work with. I can also come up with examples where styles work wonders. But both are tools and as a tool, OOo should be able to provide the best for both worlds.

Robin Laing

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