On Monday February  19 2007 3:26 pm, NoOp wrote:
> On 02/18/2007 11:49 PM, Mathias Bauer wrote:
> > NoOp wrote:
> >> The wizard created the document, but all of the text was in
> >> Times New Roman 12 point font. The labels overran the page as
> >> the OP pointed out; so I thought, heck just do "Edit|Select All|
> >> and change all of the fonts to Arial 8 or 10 point. As it turns
> >> out, each label is a separate *frame* and "Select All" only
> >> selects the text in the first frame (as would be expected in a
> >> frame). Therefore you can't just simply Select All and change
> >> the fonts in the other labels, or have the change ripple through
> >> the other labels as in the Mail Merge macro... you have to
> >> change each frame individually.
> >
> > Perhaps you should just change the styles. Much easier than hard
> > formatting.
> >
> > BTW: Hitting CTRL-A twice will select the whole document.
> >
> > Ciao,
> > Mathias
> Yes, I've figured out how to select the whole document (all frames
> on the page). So next I go into the character styles and create a
> new style: Label. Set that font as (example) Arial 8 point. How do
> I go about changing the text in *all of the frames* to that style
> at once as I do in tables?

     If you are going to use character styles, highlight the word or 
wordss that you want to have that style and double click that 
character style. Then when you want to make a change in the style, 
modify the style and all words association with that style will 
change at the same time.


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