NoOp wrote:

> On 02/18/2007 11:49 PM, Mathias Bauer wrote:
>> NoOp wrote:
>>> The wizard created the document, but all of the text was in Times New
>>> Roman 12 point font. The labels overran the page as the OP pointed out;
>>> so I thought, heck just do "Edit|Select All| and change all of the fonts
>>> to Arial 8 or 10 point. As it turns out, each label is a separate
>>> *frame* and "Select All" only selects the text in the first frame (as
>>> would be expected in a frame). Therefore you can't just simply Select
>>> All and change the fonts in the other labels, or have the change ripple
>>> through the other labels as in the Mail Merge macro... you have to
>>> change each frame individually.
>> Perhaps you should just change the styles. Much easier than hard formatting.
>> BTW: Hitting CTRL-A twice will select the whole document.
>> Ciao,
>> Mathias
> Yes, I've figured out how to select the whole document (all frames on
> the page). So next I go into the character styles and create a new
> style: Label. Set that font as (example) Arial 8 point. How do I go
> about changing the text in *all of the frames* to that style at once as
> I do in tables?

I thought you should just change the style that is used by the labels
anyway, no need to assign a new style to the labels text. Go to the
stylist, select the character style "Default" and adjust it to your needs.


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