Jane Declet wrote:
I deleted the OpenOffice.org Writer files.  I found it too hard to get it to work with my Word documents.  They weren't saving as Word and it was very frustrating!!!  I have a resume I'm trying to get ready to send out in Word, but nothing is happening.  In my frustration, I simply deleted the whole OpenOffice package.  Hope this email finds its way to you and that you tell me it was okay to do this.  Thank you in advance.   Any further advice would be greatly appreciated!              Jane Declet
While you can certainly delete OpenOffice if you want, why not let us try to resolve your problem?  OpenOffice, by default saves in the ISO standard ODF formats, which Microsoft refuses to support.  This means you have to tell OpenOffice to save your documents in Word format.  You can do this whenever you save a file or even make it the default for all documents.  You might also want to make sure automatic file name extension is enabled.

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