Scott Meyers wrote:
Thanks for the information, I didn't know about the "hack the XML option."

Regarding deleting character styles, the problem with this approach is that once the style is deleted, any text to which that style was applied reverts to the default. Combined with the fact that there seems to be no way to search for character styles, it means that, as far as I can tell, there is no automatic way to find all uses of a character style and replace it with a different character style. My sense is that the best you can do if you want to modify character style X that's been applied is:

  1.  Create a new style Y that you want to use to replace X.
2. Manually go through your document looking for places where characters have had style X applied. Change the text to the default, then apply style Y.
  3.  Delete style X and hope you didn't miss anything in step 2.

Am I overlooking a better approach?
I'm not sure this counts as a 'better' approach... but if you keep your document linked to a template, you can delete + recreate a character style in the template, close and re-open the document, and update the styles when asked. Also shades of pain-in-bum involved there.

- Naomi

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