> Twayne wrote:
>>> One that comes to mind is Linksys, who got caught using Linux in
>>> their routers and not making the source code available, as required
>>> by GPL. As it turned out, releasing the source code actually got
>>> them a lot more business, as lots of people buy the Linux powered
>>> boxes to modify them for such things as "coffee shop in a box" WiFi
>>> access. They now have one model that runs Linux and includes a
>>> flash card slot, so you can add a lot more software to it.
>> lol, that should not only be easy to verify, but it's kind of a hoot
>> for what the outcome was.  There must be a word for an outcome like
>> that, but I can't think of one!  That's a hoot and a half!
> http://www.linuxinsider.com/story/43996.html

Thanks; Linux being on the back burner for me at the moment, I'd 
forgotten all about that source.  Huh?  What'd he say?  :^}


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