
On Mon, 2017-01-09 at 17:52 -0700, lancedolan wrote:
> Hey guys, sorry for multiple recent question. I'm biting down hard on
> Sling
> right now and hitting tons of learning curve and growing pains.

Don't worry, we like these kinds of questions :-)

> My problem: If I create a fresh instance of MongoDB, and connect
> multiple
> fresh instances of Sling to it (each running in a separate tomcat
> instance),
> they all plug-and-play happily. They just discover each other and my
> clusterview is very stable at /system/console/topology.
> However, if I used the cluster for a while (deploy some OSGI bundles,
> create
> some JCR content) and *then* connect a new sling instance, what
> happens is
> that all of the current instances shut down (they literally send a
> shut down
> signal to tomcat's shut down port) and then the single new instance
> votes
> itself as the new leader, and only member, of a new 1-instance
> cluster.

That sounds unintended. I am not the best person to debug this but I
suppose the following information will be useful:

- What kind of discovery mechanism do you use?
- Are the Sling/Oak instances and MongoDB clocks in sync?
- Do you have anything suspicious in the error logs when the instances
shut themselves down?
- What happens if after the instances are shut down and a new leader is
elected you restart one of the old instances?

> Is this a known issue? Do I need to "prime" my new member with the
> current
> state of the cluster before connecting it to the cluster or something
> (perhaps by uploading all the bundles and content that has been
> uploaded to
> the cluster?)

It's not known to me at least and to my knowledge there should be no
extra steps needed.



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