Chris wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm new to this board, so please go easy on me ;-)
> I can see that this forum is an excellent source of
> useful information with some very helpful members, but
> am having a bit of a problem at my end, with organising
> the emails coming in from the forum.
> Been using message boards and forums for about 6 years,
> on all sorts of subjects, and usually setup my email
> program to put posts from certain groups into certain
> folders - normally, there's rules setup in the email
> program to filter to the various folders, based on
> either the from field, or the subject field, but I'm
> noticing that the emails coming in don't have anything
> consistent with them  ;-(
> How do the others here do it please ?
> Is there anyway, that perhaps every email/post that
> goes out, has the word Spamassassin in the subject line
> ?
> Any help appreciated.
> Chris.

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James Rallo
Trusswood Inc.
Tele:  (321) 383-0366
Fax:   (321) 383-0362

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