On Sun, 2008-11-23 at 15:46 -0800, bernier wrote:
> hi
> i am not very technical so please help
> i have a debian server with spammassassin 3.000003. i guess this has never
> been updated
> do i just use the cmd
Use cron to do a periodic update. Here's my set-up:

I put a file called sa_update in /etc/cron.weekly.

=============== sa_update ===================
# Update the Spamassassin rules

if [ -x $chkd ]
        case $err in
        0)      echo "Spamassassin rules update completed.";
                service spamassassin restart;
                echo "Spamassassin restarted." ;;

        1)      echo "No Spamassassin rule updates available.";;

        2)      echo "Spamassassin rules updates available";
                echo "Site pre files lint check failed.";
                echo "Fix the files and try again.";;

        *)      echo "Spamassassin rules update failed: error=$err"
        echo "Error: $sau does not exist"
        exit 0

This runs once a week, which is often enough since a rules update only
appears every few weeks. 

As you can see, if the rules were updated it restarts the spamassassin
service (which runs spamd) with the 'service' command. Otherwise it just
reports what happened. 

In any case, the report is mailed to root.


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