bernier wrote:
> hi
> i am not very technical so please help
> i have a debian server with spammassassin 3.000003. i guess this has never
> been updated
> do i just use the cmd
> sa-update && service spamassassin restart
> what do i need to do?

No. sa-update only updates the ruleset. It does not update the main code
(ie: the engine). For that, you need to download and install a newer
version (you can just install on top of the existing one).

> how often should i update after it is updated?
sa-update? I'd run it once a day. However, if you stick with 3.0.x you
can run it once and never again. It's highly doubtful there will be a
rule update to the 3.0 rulesets. We're on 3.2.5 these days, and 3.3.0 is
in the works.
> can it be scheduled to be automatic?
Sure, you can cron-job it.
> will i loose any configuration on the system?
Only if someone has mistakenly edited the default rules, instead of
using to over-ride them.

> there are local email accounts which are popped by a windows server
> are the updates primarly for improving what and how SA detects spam?
They're half of what SA uses to detect spam. The other half is the code
base (Most of the header parsing and HTML decoding happens here).

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