On 18/12/2009 1:11 AM, Christian Brel wrote:
> On Thu, 17 Dec 2009 15:51:35 -0500
> "Daryl C. W. O'Shea" <spamassas...@dostech.ca> wrote:
>> I think the current score changes are a good step.  Another step may
>> be including in the release notes that there are whitelists and that
>> people may want to disable them by score whatever rules (a list of
>> them) 0.
> Why not default them to zero and include in the release notes/man that
> there are whitelists and they can *enable* them?

I'm pretty sure I brought up the SA developers' *long* standing
principle of being as safe as possible for the majority of users by
erring on the side of missing spam rather than tagging ham while still
putting out a useful product.

>From the data we have from mass-checks we are erring a very small amount
on the side of caution by not disabling the whitelists by default.

If we had more mass-check data from a wider number of mail recipients
maybe it would change things, statistically, maybe it wouldn't.  New
mass-check contributors are always welcome.  They take very little
effort to manage once you've set it up (I ignore mine for years at a time).


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