On 25/03/2010 5:37 PM, Clayton Keller wrote:
> On 3/25/2010 4:25 PM, Daryl C. W. O'Shea wrote:
>> On 25/03/2010 5:04 PM, Clayton Keller wrote:
>>> I have run into a snag.
>>> The release notes for 3.3.0 indicate that Mail::SPF::Query is no longer
>>> used.
>>> I have been using the pypolicyd-spf package from openspf.org, which
>>> required python-spf to be installed to take advantage of their module.
>>> With that I had previously used to following config option in my
>>> local.cf to for the use of Mail::SPF::Query:
>>> do_not_use_mail_spf     1
>>> At the moment I am running into a conflict with the binaries for the
>>> python-spf and perl-Mail-SPF packages.
>>> My question is with the statement in the release announcements could I
>>> run into an issue without having Mail::SPF installed?
>>> The SPF plugin appears to still include the use of Mail::SPF::Query if
>>> that value is toggled, and appears to also look for headers added (in my
>>> case by the pypolicyd-spf package as well).
>> As long as the logic didn't change (except for dropping Mail::SPF::Query
>> support) from when I wrote it, yeah, you should be able to just re-use
>> your already added Received-SPF headers.  Of course, if there is no
>> Received-SPF header present in a message you won't be able to do an SPF
>> check in SA if you don't have the required module (Mail::SPF) installed.
>> Daryl
> So, the previous statements in the SPF plugin that reference
> Mail::SPF::Query to be used instead of Mail::SPF have now been removed?
> Or there are plans to have them yanked in the not-so-near future?

Hrm.  It looks like they're still there.  I actually don't see that
support for Mail::SPF::Query has been dropped.


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