On 10/13/2013 9:17 AM, Kai Schaetzl wrote:
I've just tested building 3.4.0 on Centos 5 system where I also built
3.3.2. make and make test worked fine. I'm not sure if I can make it an
inplace replacement, though. Has anyone running MailScanner tried 3.4.0?
So, I haven't installed it yet.
I don't use MailScanner and have no input on this issue, sorry.

I'm missing a spec file. Earlier versions of SA provided one which worked
out-of-the-box, but this has been discontinued for quite a while.
Correct.  Over two years ago.

There doesn't seem to be a package perl-IO-Socket-IP available from any
I don't know where the program fetch may come from.

This note might help:

Preferably a perl module IO::Socket::IP is used (if it is available) for
network communication regardless of a protocol family - for DNS queries,
by spamd server side, and by a client code in Mail::SpamAssassin::Client.
As a fallback when the module IO::Socket::IP is unavailable, an older
module IO::Socket::INET6 is used, or eventually the IO::Socket::INET is
used as last resort.

Also, you might have to Install IO-Socket-IP with cpan:


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