Am 26.08.2014 09:30, schrieb Ian Zimmerman:
Apparently not.  So, I have to rephrase: Isn't it a bit odd to use
these external rules? :)

No, I don't think that its odd to use other statistical filters than the SA Bayes.

CRM114 uses a completely different algorithem, building statistics not just on single words but on phrases up to five words. It has less FPs and FNs then SA Bayes. CRM114 has no autolearning mechanism, but if you run it as a SA plugin you can combine the strenght of both.

I'm not sure about the recognition rate of Bogofilter compared to CRM114 and SA Bayes, but I also run all three (CRM114 and Bogofiler as SA plugins).

Christian Laußat

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