OK, so the strategy seems primed for a fairly limited approach; everything under web-inf or root. Why not also look under folders named the same as the package name (minus the value of 'org.apache.tapestry.page-class-packages') ? This is done in the root, so wouldn't it be just as simple to also do this under web-inf?


class : com.pages.module.MyPage
html: WEB-INF/module/MyPage.html

that should 'just work' imho.

Currently I have a stack of .page files with no content what so ever. It is annoying.

Jesse Kuhnert wrote:
There has been extensive work done recently in this specific area for 4.1.2.
I still think I need to add at least one or two additional configuration
options in the .application file to make unrelated sub-directory structures in the web context easily configurable but things should generally work as
well as they possibly can right now.  (though I was thinking of trying to
add in some "guessing" sort of strategy for things but this will require a
lot of thought to get right )

On 5/14/07, Paul Stanton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I'm using tapestry 4.1

Paul Stanton wrote:
> Hi,
> Here's how I would like to organise my templates:
> * security of storing my html files under web-inf
> * organisation of subdirectories
> * no page specifications
> So my desired structure is:
> name: "Page1" and "module/Page2"
> template: "WEB-INF/Page1.html" and "WEB-INF/module/Page2.html"
> java: "com.pages.Page1.java" and "com.pages.module.Page2.java"
> However, I find the only way for tapestry to find my template if it's
> under a module directory and has no .page specification is to store it
> outside of WEB-INF, which is not desirable.
> Is this expected behaviour in 4.1 or have I missed something?
> If it is expected, is there an intended resolution for later versions?
> Thanks.

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