Hi list,

First of all, sorry for my English, it's not my own language.

I've installed a tomcat (5.5.12) on debian/testing. Tomcat run perfectly fine with all servlets I got. But one of my "webapps" doesn't work. It connetcs to an MySQL-Database. It doesn't found the drivers. But that's not the problem.

The problem is, when I try to call one of the servlets (doesn't matter wich one, even simply "Hello World" does not work) I get an NoClassDefFoundError. I compiled it with "javac -cp /home/tomcat/j2ee/lib/j2ee.jar:/home/tomcat/mysql MyServlet.java".
This displays no error.
But I can't access the servlet. it shows me that:
        javax.servlet.ServletException: Error allocating a servlet instance
        root cause
        java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: javax/servlet/http/HttpServlet

all that happens only in one "webapps"-dircetory, all others are working fine. Even when I copy one servlet from another "webapp" to it, I get that error.

My $CLASSPATH is setting to this
/.../j2ee/lib/j2ee.jar:/../apache-tomcat-5.5.12/common/lib/servlet- api.jar:/../mysql/com/:/../mysql/org:/../ apache-tomcat-5.5.12/common/ lib/

When I try to run that servlet with "java" I get that error:
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: LoadDriver not found in java.lang.ClassLoader$1{urls=[file:
and then comes the whole $CLASSPATH

Thanks for help and best regards,
Sebastian Funk

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