Hello Dave,
> Von: David Kerber <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> I understand the arguments on both sides, but tend to prefer the ease of 
> maintenance of what you call "the single point of change in 
> shared/lib".  Is it possible to make this configurable, so both sides 
> can be happy?  Or is that too complex?
As far as I know this is possible with WebSphere where you have a concept
for shared libraries (not only a shared classpath) but not with Tomcat.
You can imagine them as symbolic links: You declare them once and tell
WebSphere which applications uses them.

For Tomcat it would be possible to have them once in the filesystem and
symbolic link them into WEB-INF/lib. This should be scripted in the
deployment to avoid tomcat deleting the symbolic links.
I would consider this as a workaround... It is not so nice as simply putting
them as shared library or shared classpath and reduces the ease of
maintenance again.


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