Seems that many people have been asking how to use Tomcat deployer to deploy 
a war to a context that contains multi-level path (like /subdir/myapp 
or /foo/bar/myapp instead of simple /myapp).

After spending a day trying this and that, searching through the mail 
archive, I found that this feature is not implemented and the corresponding 
bug request has been marked as "WONT FIX" in March 2005.

Seems that you can deploy an application to a multi-level context manually 
by copying context.xml file into 
$CATALINA_BASE/conf/Catalina/localhost/subdir#myapp.xml and copying the 
application files into $CATALINA_BASE/webapps/subdir/myapp/. Why can't the 
deployer do the just that?

Did anyone find a workaround?


ps. In any case, this message is just to summarize the response by apache 
developer Remy Maucherat [EMAIL PROTECTED], since none of the discussions on 
the user mailing list were answered conclusively. Hopefully a note can be 
added to the deployer reference manual.
Nicholas Sushkin, Senior Software Engineer
Open Finance, Chelsea Piers Pier 62 Suite 316, New York NY 10011

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