
I believe that this is not entirely what I need. As far as I understand the
code it will detect if getInputStream or getReader has been called by the
servlet application. Depending on the usingReader boolean that was set as a
result, it will either use _inputReaderBuffer or _inputStreamBuffer to
fetch the body.

In my case I need to retrieve the body in advance and still allow the web
application to call either method, getInputStream, getReader, getParameter.
If I choose to call getInputStream in my Valve to retrieve the body then
the web application will be restricted to using getInputStream. If I choose
getReader then the web application will be restricted to using getReader.
If a web application would use ServletRequest.getParameter the
documentation says the following:

"If the parameter data was sent in the request body, such as occurs with an
HTTP POST request, then reading the body directly via getInputStream()
 or getReader()
interfere with the execution of this method."

According to my understanding of the original Tomcat request code,
Request.getParam depends on Request.parseParameters which in turn uses
Request.readPostBody that uses Request.getStream to obtain the data.
getStream also fetches the inputStream of a request so I believe it won't
work in combination with a call to getReader.

Since your wrapper is not overwriting any method like getParam
(getParameterNames, getParameterValues, getParameterMap) I believe these
methods will still behave incorrectly when called by the target application.

I could indeed build a wrapper that would overwrite getStream, getReader,
getInputStream, getParam, getParameterNames, etc. But then I would be
generating a lot of duplicate code. Since my implementation is purely
experimental I don't think it's such big of a problem to modify Tomcat
internals (the Connector class).


2015-12-09 18:06 GMT+01:00 Christopher Schultz <

> Roel,
> On 12/9/15 8:03 AM, Roel Storms wrote:
> > The real requirement is being able to process the body of a request in a
> > Valve without restricting the servlet to call request.getInputStream,
> > getReader and getStream. I have tried by wrapping the request but some
> > behavior can't be masked. It is also much more simple to implement by
> just
> > extending the Request class and using this in Connector.createRequest().
> >
> > So the actual requirement is a Valve wanting to process the body but
> still
> > allowing the target application to call whatever processing method they
> > chose. When the Valve would chose to process the body by calling
> > Request.getInputStream(). The servlet wouldn't be able to call getReader
> or
> > getParam anymore. I would like my Valve to be transparent in that sense.
> What you want to do can be done with a Valve as long as you don't mind a
> bit of typing.
> See this thread where I built pretty much exactly what you're requesting:
> I implemented mine as a Filter, not as a Valve.
> There's no need to go writing your own Request implementation.
> -chris
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