
On 12/15/15 5:13 PM, Roel Storms wrote:
> I don't believe that your suggestion works, but correct me if I'm wrong.
> You aren't overwriting the getInputStream or getReader method. You are
> wrapping them, which is a big difference. Since the internal
> Request#parseParameter() won't use your wrapped version of the method but
> rather uses it's own version which won't work since you've already called
> getInputStream or getReader.

My code is a Filter which executes too late. If you implement this as a
Valve, you ought to be able to capture the input data (whether it is a
stream or a reader) and re-play it to any code later in the valve
pipeline. I must admit I haven't read all the Connector/Request code so
I don't know for sure if a Valve wrapping the (non-spec-defined) request
object will be sufficient.

> In your case it works since you aren't calling getParameter(). You're
> implementation works as long as you restrict your application to using
> getReader or getInputStream. Again, correct me if I'm wrong. Calling
> HttpRequestRecorderWrapper.getParameter() in the web application, should
> mess up your wrapper since it doesn't intercepts this method call and will
> invoke the Request.getParameter() which will call Request.getStream() and
> not HttpRequestRecorderWrapper.getStream() as you're implementation
> requires.

Servlet code calling HttpServletRequest.getParameter* should end up
calling getInputStream on the wrapper. If that's not what Tomcat does,
I'd consider it a bug because Filters are supposed to be able to replace
request entities and things like that.


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