You should still be consistent about how you start Tomcat in Windows. Look into 
reboot situations. Look into file permissions if your app writes any files. 
These are other places where you can get inconsistent results.

I've always used Ubuntu or Solaris in production to narrow these issues. Always 
worked with the project distros since Tomcat e.


Sent from my iPhone

> On Jun 9, 2017, at 1:55 PM, Tou Vue <> wrote:
> Found out this is working as designed.
> You can follow the link to where I answered my own question...
> tomcat-with-local-user-causes-jvm-bind-exception/44442109#44442109
> According to
> ms740621(v=vs.85).aspx
> If both application are in the same user context then both can bind to the
> same port if one of the application is using the invalid address. (
> If both application are in different user context then we get the exception.
> Thank You,
> *Tou Vue*

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