On Sun, 5/12/19, Jason Wee <peich...@gmail.com> wrote:

 Subject: Re: Does Tomcat server printout System.out.print infor?
 To: "Tomcat Users List" <users@tomcat.apache.org>, "Karen Goh" 
 Date: Sunday, May 12, 2019, 10:52 AM
 default tomcat , when you print,
 logging should goes to catalina.out.
 In any
 case, check logging.properties in tomcat directory on where
 logging configured.
 as for realm, it can be configure in the
 context element, which mean
 in the
 META-INF/context.xml, see

Thanks for your fast response.
I went to the URL link but there is no concrete example as to how to set the 
Realm inside context.xml.

Could you kindly point me to some examples that I can follow ?

Furthermore, my web host directory setting is like this:

---> conf
---> Catalina -> this will open up with server.xml, tomcat-users.xml, web.xml 
-> websitename.com

How do I enable the logging in this case to show my system.out.println infor ?

and the META-INF/context.xml do you mean in my web app before I make it into 
ROOT.WAR I have to do the configuration before I built it into ROOT.war so 
there is no need for me to touch anything on the web host directory right ?

 On Sun, May 12, 2019 at 10:40 AM Karen Goh
 > Hello
 Currently, I am uploading a new .war file up to my hosting
 > However,
 I am puzzled how things work and would like to check what is
 the norm out there.
 > They are using httpd apache server and
 > Basically,
 I have subscribed a private Tomcat server so I get an
 instance of Tomcat server - 8.0.27.
 > But, the re-start of server is not in my
 > I would
 like to know if this is the normal environment in a web
 hosting company ?
 Another thing is that, in my newly uploaded war file, I
 don't get to see any System.out.println infor in my
 code, which I believe it should be printed out, as per my
 last log file indication in the web hosting company.
 > What they told me
 > "Only if there is system level
 operation. For example, unloading/reloading a war file would
 have logged."
 So, please help me know if it is not possible to see
 system.out.print infor as what I have put in the code in my
 java class ?
 Another thing is that I am going to put in the Tomcat Realm
 for the log-in module and I am wondering where is the
 privacy since I do not have the full control over Tomcat in
 this web hosting environment ?
 > Thanks & regards,
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