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On 12/27/19 14:22, James H. H. Lampert wrote:
> On 12/26/19 8:31 PM, Igal Sapir wrote:
>> You should check out Chris' presentations on the topic.  He
>> outlines a very efficient process.  There is probably more
>> materials out there, but a quick search brings up the video [1]
>> and slides [2] from his presentation at ApacheCon earlier this
>> year, as well as his shell script for automating the process.
> Excellent video.

I'm glad you think so. Before the recording begins, there are ~10
minutes worth of shenanigans where 4 Tomcat PMC members try to figure
out how to get the projector working. And no, Rémy, it wasn't because
I was using a Mac :)

> As it happens, one way or another (and I'm not entirely sure
> *which* way; I'd have to look at my notes), we *do* have Tomcat 
> listening directly on 443 (but not 80; nothing there is currently 
> listening on 80) on that particular EC2 instance (and I'm pretty
> sure we have HTTPD running on a *different* port, for the SVN and
> Trac sharing the box).

ACME almost requires port 80 to be opened. There are other opens, but
the simplest is to open port 80[1].

> At this point, I think I'm going to have to go through the video
> at least once more, just to come up with intelligent questions to
> ask, other than "What is JMX?" (I've already got the Wikipedia
> article up, but it seems to be more about the internal nuts and
> bolts of it than about how to use it.). When the subject first
> comes up in the presentation, I saw some sort of JMX GUI in use,
> that was evidently something the attendees were already familiar
> with, but I'm completely in the dark.

Honestly, you don't even have to understand JMX itself (spoiler alert:
it's a protocol which lets you manage stuff, like SNMP does. It's
Java-specific, requires RMI and an odd configuration. I wouldn't
recommend using it directly unless you want to use a GUI client like
VisualVM or one of the Java IDEs that has one bundles into it.

I always recommend using the JMXProxyServlet which is a part of the
manager webapp. It gives you access to all the MXBean stuff that you
can get via the full JMX protocol without having to have complicated
(JMX) configuration, additional ports opened on your firewall, or a
GUI available at all. (I tend to work on headless Linux-based servers,
so a GUI isn't convenient at all. Likewise, running a GUI to ping an
MXBean in a crontab isn't something you want to do.)

If you have a Tomcat running on your localhost desktop, this will be
easy to explore: just fire-up VisualVM (which you may have to
download[1] and install) or jvisualvm (if you have a JDK) and attach
to the JVM running Tomcat. Under the "MBeans" tab, there is a tree of
... stuff. Poke-around in there and have a look at the things under
"Catalina". Many of them are read-only, but some of them have writable
values and also "operations" that you can invoke to cause something to
happen on the server.

At $work, we have an MBean for reloading system announcements from our
database. We can push an announcement into a table in our database and
every 5 minutes our application servers refresh their list of
announcements from the db. This allows us to have mostly-current
information available to the application server without having to hit
the db for every single user hitting a certain set of pages. That
MBean just has a "reload" operation which takes no arguments and
returns nothing. When it runs, it refreshes the announcements from the

Tomcat has something similar for the TLS configuration. If you reload
that, it will re-load the keystores, truststores, certificates, etc.
that were in the original configuration.

- -chris

[1] https://jmorahan.net/article/lets-encrypt-without-port-80
[2] https://visualvm.github.io/
Comment: Using GnuPG with Thunderbird - https://www.enigmail.net/


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