
On 3/31/21 17:54, Christopher Schultz wrote:

I got a report of a user on our development system at $work saying that special characters were being mangled. We are using Tomcat 8.5 with a custom web application and MariaDB under the hood. We are expecting to use UTF-8 everywhere and I can confirm that our testing environment and production environments do *not* have this problem.

I've written a tiny JSP to demonstrate the problem.

==== CUT ====
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; UTF-8" />
<meta charset="UTF-8" />
<form method="post" accept-charset="UTF-8">
<textarea name="text"><%= (null != request.getParameter("text") ? request.getParameter("text") : "")%></textarea>
<input type="submit" />
==== CUT ====

I tried this on my development and testing environments and it behaves properly in my testing environment running 8.5.53, but not on my development environment running 8.5.64.

So I got myself a fresh copy of both 8.5.53 and 8.5.64 and put this JSP into the ROOT web application and it didn't work as expected.

Just enter either or both of these multi-byte Unicode characters into the text area and submit the form. You'll get mangled characters showing up which, if you submit many times, will multiple over and over again.


Our custom application does have a "character encoding filter" in-place which sets the request character encoding to "UTF-8" if it's null (which is very common) which is the only thing I can think of that's not quite similar to an out-of-the-box configuration for Tomcat.

I'm in the process of checking *everything*. But I'm hoping someone can (a) explain why the above JSP doesn't behave as expected on an out-of-the-box Tomcat and (b) what I might be overlooking, especially since this has been working for us for many years without any problems until somewhat recently.


I knew this had to be a problem in my own environment, but here's the explanation. First, to answer (a) above:

In order to make charecho.jsp work as expected in a vanilla Tomcat environment, you have to use a CharacterEncodingFilter. I wasn't able to get it to work by simply adding <request-character-encoding>UTF-8</request-character-encoding> to webapps/ROOT/WEB-INF/web.xml.

Once that was done, it works as expected.

For my own environment, we recently violated item #6 from this set of instructions:

We (I, actually!) had installed a new <filter> which reads a request parameter and it was firing *before* the CharacterEncodingFilter was setting the default character encoding.

So, somewhat "mystery solved" although I'd like to understand why <request-character-encoding> didn't work.


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