Tim Alberts wrote:
I'm in the process of teaching myself the Realms configuration for Tomcat and have a couple questions that after hours of reading and testing I could determine, but this list can hopefully save me some research time. Reading the documentation at:


I understand a Realm can be "/Inside a <Context> element/ - This Realm will be used ONLY for THIS web application."

Does this mean conversely that the web application can only use this Realm for authentication?

Yes, only one Realm at a time.

Also, can I configure multiple realms inside a <Context>? For instance a JDBCRealm for general access to administration pages in a web application, plus a JNDIRealm for authenticating individual users (say on an LDAP server configured as PAM authentication)?

How would the server know which Realm to authenticate against, if two are defined, especially before you've supplied a credential?

If you need to do more complex authentication then implement a JAASRealm and incorporate any functionality you'd need.


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